For a number of us, smartphones are just a way of life. They’re how we check email, navigate directions or look up answers to life’s ever-important questions. However, some people prefer to only use their phones as one thing: a phone!
That’s the case for many of the workers who are servicing the aircraft and transferring the luggage that passengers need to reach their final destinations. At Springshot, we’ve made it our mission to make their lives easier by using technology to empower and enable them as they go throughout their workdays, which is why we embarked on a journey to streamline the Springshot user experience.
As a result of these efforts, we are so pleased to announce that the new user interface received an Honorable Mention at the UX Awards. The UX Awards recognize the leaders in the digital world who are designing products and experiences that solve real-life challenges, and winners are named by a panel of judges. Brian Braunlich, our Product Manager, was on hand at the UX Awards Summit on November 9th in Palo Alto to give a presentation about Springshot, and Tan Ma, our amazing designer, was there to formally accept the award.
When we started the redesign of the user interface, we went straight to the source: the teams who are using our app every single day. Some employees are smartphone savvy while others are less familiar with this type of technology, and we needed to create an intuitive experience that would accommodate all levels of experience. Our team followed these users through a typical day and asked questions to better understand what they need, want and what motivates them to do a great job. We saw how they used the Springshot app and gathered feedback about the things they loved and the things they wished would change.
After our days in the field, we took that information back to our headquarters and, led by Tan, we began the process of setting goals so we could deliver on expectations. Built on the premise of being useful, usable and beautiful, the new Springshot interface allows our users to flow seamlessly through their workdays, cutting down the time and steps it takes to complete a task by as much as 50 percent.
With the new user interface, we are empowering travel industry workers like never before, and we are thrilled that the UX Awards recognized for our efforts to make Springshot better than ever.