At Springshot, we are thrilled to partner with organizations who view their people as their most important asset. To those who have had the pleasure of flying on one their jets, it’s no secret that JetBlue is built on this very premise. Each day, this airline delivers the best possible customer experience by placing its crew members front and center and acknowledging the amazing service they offer their guests. As a testament to this, JetBlue crew members recently gathered at a lunch and learn hosted by JetBlue ventures to hear presentations about up-and- coming technology for the travel workforce. Employees could then choose their favorite platform, and Springshot was voted the winner.
To help keep JetBlue at the forefront of aviation excellence, the airline recently established JetBlue Ventures, an investment fund located in the heart of Silicon Valley. JetBlue Ventures seeks to partner with, invest in, and accelerate the growth of the best emerging travel technology companies. Their team is searching for innovative solutions and, so far, has been approached by over 400 companies. Of the 400, four were invited by JetBlue Ventures to present at JetBlue’s New York headquarters, one of which was Springshot.
Over 300 people expressed interest in attending the lunch and learn and, on the day of the presentations, more than 150 JetBlue employees jammed into a room designed for 100. Each company was given ten minutes to present and answer questions. JetBlue employees were curious, engaged, and excited about each company throughout the entire event. At the end, when employees voted for the platform they liked best, Springshot was named the winner. True to our vision, our presentation focused on cultivating productivity by empowering and celebrating the people on the front-line who strive to make JetBlue an amazing airline each and every day. Based on the audience participation, it was clear that JetBlue has built an authentic, employee-first culture, and that its values are culturally-aligned with ours. The combination of engaged employees and the creation of JetBlue Ventures is a testament to how hard JetBlue has worked to ensure that it continues to grow its cultural vision.
At Springshot, we are incredibly humbled that our message resonated with an organization of this magnitude. We look forward to continuing our partnership with such an incredible team.