
Hospitals, Testing Centers, Private Practice
Follow guidance and protocols to maintain safe environments
Maintaining office buildings or other facilities requires meticulous attention to detail and having the right people available at the right time. From janitorial services to maintenance, Springshot helps team members communicate, collaborate and tackle even the toughest of jobs.
Hey there! My name is Peter Cruz and I am the Hospital Administrator at SF Medical Center.

Mission Control

Every morning, when I arrive at the Hospital, I log into Springshot’s Mission Control to get a clear overview of everyone’s schedule for the day.

I create transport missions for patient pickup and drop-offs to and from the hospital and I make sure that the cleaners have enough time to clean each room thoroughly before a new patient is admitted. With the virus still going strong, it is imperative that each room is thoroughly sanitized on a regular basis.

Sending A Bulletin

With the new CDC guidelines, it is imperative that everyone who is working at the hospital adhere to the guidelines to keep all employees and patients safe.

Peter sends a bulletin to every employee in the hospital across outlining each step that they all have to take to keep the environment as safe and as clean as possible. He wants to make sure that they don’t ignore it, so he makes them sign it which sends him a confirmation that it has been read. He also creates a Smart Channel on Springshot called #CDC which has all the most up to date information on the changing health policies and requirements.

Performing Observations

Paola Sanchez oversees all the cleaners at the hospital and has the challenging task of organizing and scheduling the cleaning and thorough sanitizing of every room in the hospital from the lobby, to patient rooms, operating rooms and staff areas. She builds custom smart forms on Springshot and deploys them to her team. Each cleaner then receives a list of tasks that they have to perform and check off as they go along. If they see something amiss, no problem….they can just attach a comment to the form for their supervisor to see.

Creating A Mission

Nancy Granger is in the process of changing the sheets in a patient’s room when she notices that the lever on the bed is broken so the bed can no longer go up and down. She quickly logs a maintenance mission for someone from Maintenance to come and fix it as quickly as possible so that the room can be ready for the next patient. Patrick receives a notification on his phone and jumps to it…time is of the essence!

Performing A Mission

Rachel Felson, is a cleaning technician with a special certification for emptying the needle disposal bins in the doctor’s offices and operating rooms. At the end of every day, she empties the bins and disposes of them in the appropriate manner according to Biohazardous Medical Waste Disposal procedures.

Creating A Mission

Lucy Wagner, a Wheelchair Attendant receives a notification from a nurse that patient Roy Reed is ready to be discharged and needs a wheelchair attendant to help him leave the hospital safely. She goes straight to his room to pick him up and take him to the discharge area by the lobby where his daughter is waiting for him. His daughter signs a form on Springshot to confirm that she has her father and that he has been discharged.

Hospital Analytics

At the end of each week, Peter shares a custom report to his superiors. He can quickly see what is working and what processes need improving. With the wealth of data supplied on Springshot, it is easy for all the administrators to make decisions around the the different hospital teams and operations.

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