Sparking Conversation: A Panel Discussion on Robotics & Autonomous Vehicles

Automated technology is changing the world. Understanding how people, Artificial Intelligence (AI), robotics and autonomy operate in harmony has never been more timely. At this month’s FTE Conference in Long Beach, our CEO, Doug Kreuzkamp, will participate in a panel discussion covering this very topic, exploring how companies can best foster collaboration between human workers and machines.

Here’s a sneak peek.

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Emerging technologies like AI, robotics and autonomy are rapidly transforming the physical workplace. Much of the conversation to date has focused on their incredible potential. Rightfully so.

These technologies have the ability to radically optimize human output. AI will provide human workers with unimaginable real-time situational awareness and intelligence. Robotics will free humans from performing physically demanding and hazardous tasks. Autonomy will pair AI and robotics to provide workers with skilled companions that intelligently augment their mental and physical capabilities.

As these innovations move from concept to reality, we must increasingly shift focus towards their practical application. The information generated by AI will be unprecedented. Yet, how can we deliver targeted AI insights to mobile workers, with zero latency, via a form factor that empowers them to make better real-time decisions? Autonomous tractors will free human workers from the monotony of driving bags from point-to-point. Yet, who will the ramp crew chief contact when a tractor with connecting bags fails to arrive on time or breaks down in the middle of the ramp?

Effective adoption will be key. As with any transformational workplace technology, we must overcome initial concerns about machines taking human jobs. That said, once the dust settles – which should come quickly given there are fewer available workers to fill these jobs as a result of declining global birthrates and general Gen Z attitudes towards physical labor – the biggest challenge will be introducing these technologies in a manner that allows human beings to use them effectively.  

We need to be mindful of the communication divide between man and machine. Human workers do not speak Python, Java or JSON. Autonomous machines do not speak English, Spanish or Japanese. How will humans communicate and collaborate within these new transformative systems? We must bridge this gap by providing tools that facilitate clear communication and build a sense of trust and reliability: a translation layer.

This translation layer must work bi-directionally. It must integrate with dozens of bespoke systems and machines and include a fun and engaging Graphical User Interface (GUI). It must translate raw data it receives from the many systems into actionable information and then intelligently route that insight to its human users. Conversely, it must convert human interactions into data and then pass that data back to the systems to engage the machines.

Even before the advent of robotics and autonomy, airport workers were increasingly demanding this type of holistic and expansive “single pane of glass” collaborative application. IT departments within the world’s largest airlines are actively prioritizing “app rationalization” projects to reduce the number of business applications used by their teams. Why? Their colleagues have made it clear they do not want to interact with multiple applications to perform their jobs. With that in mind, do we really believe these workers will welcome even more applications to collaborate with various machines?

The good news is that no matter where you are on this journey of innovation, you are not too late. Whether you are considering deploying robotics and autonomy for the first time or expanding upon what’s already in use, it’s most important to acknowledge the need to think holistically and develop a plan to meet the needs of all human personas. From there, set clear priorities and find good technology partners, both at the collaborative layer and with relevant standalone application providers, that integrate well with others. By keeping your human workforce front and center, you’ll be best-positioned to take full advantage of all the efficiencies that AI, robotics and autonomy have to offer.

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Springshot lives at the intersection of technology and humanity – it’s who we are and what has driven us forward since day one. Conversations like this are what inspire us, and we are thrilled to be discussing the future of technology at this year’s FTE Conference.

We hope to see you in Long Beach!

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